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Disaster Prep 101: Fargo-Moorhead Edition

Brett Dalzell
Aug 20 1 minutes read

Let’s face it, Cass County residents; our neck of the woods in North Dakota, particularly around Fargo and Moorhead, is no stranger to nature's mood swings. From blizzards that seem to think we're in a game of freeze tag to the occasional flood that misinterprets the term "riverbank," we’ve seen our fair share. This guide’s mission is to walk you through preemptive steps to make sure you and your home come out the other side as unscathed as possible.

Create an Emergency Kit

Around here, if you haven’t got an emergency kit, you’re about as prepared as a snowman at a summer fair. Make sure yours includes:

  • Enough food and water to last each family member 72 hours. Note: Junk food is non-perishable and thus, for the purpose of emergency planning, considered a survival food.
  • A first aid kit, because accidents don’t wait for the weather to clear up.
  • Flashlights, extra batteries, and yes, that old battery-powered radio you’re convinced you'll never use.
  • Important documents stashed in something waterproof. A zip-close freezer bag can work if you’re improvising.
  • Cash and credit cards, because not everywhere can handle mobile pay.
  • A list of prescription medications, and those medications if possible.
  • Personal hygiene items (because nobody wants to survive a disaster just to perish from their own stink).

Develop an Evacuation Plan

Knowing how to skedaddle efficiently can be crucial. Your plan should outline:

  • Multiple exit strategies from your home and neighborhood, because sometimes the usual route might be playing hard to get.
  • A meeting spot for family members that's both safe and obvious.
  • Local emergency services’ contact info, along with a list of important personal contacts.

Secure Your Home's Structure

Turning your home into a fortress might not be feasible unless you’re a doomsday prepper, but here are a few realistic tips:

  • Storm shutters or impact-resistant windows are a big plus, especially when Mother Nature decides to throw a tantrum.
  • Check and fix your roof as if you were defending against aerial attacks. Those loose shingles are not going to fix themselves.
  • Prune trees and bushes, since branches can turn into nature's missiles.
  • Ensure your gutters are as clear as your conscience after you've donated to charity. This prevents water damage when the skies open up.
  • Secure or store outdoor furniture and decorations that might take flight in a strong wind.

Protect Against Flooding

Fargo-Moorhead locals are no strangers to water. To keep your home from becoming a seasonal aquarium, consider:

  • Installing backflow valves to keep the city’s problems from becoming your own.
  • Elevating utilities like your water heater and electrical panel to give them a fighting chance against an indoor pool situation.
  • Waterproofing basement walls and potentially investing in a sump pump because water has a knack for finding its way in.

Prepare for Power Outages

Outages during natural disasters are as common as forgetting your grocery list at home. Here’s how to brace yourself:

  • A portable generator can be a lifeline, just make sure you’ve got fuel.
  • Surge protectors can save your electronics from unexpected jolts of generosity from the power grid.
  • Stock up on batteries. Remember: gadgets during an outage are worth their weight in gold.
  • Whole-house surge protectors? They’re like having a bouncer at the door for unwanted electrical surges.

Review and Update Insurance Coverage

Insurance is as vital as a warm coat in a North Dakota winter. Make sure:

  • Your homeowner’s insurance covers acts of God, or at least the ones likely to hit Fargo-Moorhead. Flood insurance might not be included, so check that specifically.
  • Keep a yearly date with your policy to ensure it still matches your needs and the value of your home.
  • A visual log (photos or videos) of your belongings can be a lifesaver when you need to prove ownership.
  • Store your important documents somewhere they won’t become an unintended paper maché project.

Stay Informed

Last but not least, stick to local news like it’s your favorite series. The plot twists of Cass County weather won't seem so surprising if you:

  • Sign up for local emergency alerts. They’re the closest thing we have to a crystal ball.
  • Keep an eye on the weather forecast, especially if the skies look like they're plotting something.
  • Get to know your community’s emergency plans and evacuation routes. It’s a great conversation starter at parties, trust me.

By taking these measures, you’re not just preparing for a disaster; you’re taking steps to ensure that your home and loved ones have the best possible chance of weathering any storm Mother Nature throws your way. Awareness, preparedness, and a bit of humor can go a long way in keeping you safe and somewhat sane through it all. Stay safe, Fargo-Moorhead, and remember: it’s better to be overly prepared than under-dressed in a blizzard.

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